
13 Best Photoshop Tips and Tricks

Photoshop Tutorials - Photoshop 7 Tips and Tricks

1. CTRL + Click on any given layer to Select it.

2. You just about finished your layout design and you realize it requires a new Object and so your layers require rearrangement. Here's what to do, in your Layers Palette 'Link' all the Layers that need to be rearranged and with the 'Move Tool (M)' shift all the Layers in one movement. Or with the 'Arrow' keys on your keyboard, nudge those Layers in the desired direction.

3. Make use of 'Layer Sets'. The folder icon on the bottom of the Layers Palette will create that just for you. Then place the necessary Layers inside that Folder Set for proper organization. Its a good idea to start a design with use of these.

4. Ok, so you never bothered to use Layered Sets and your close to finishing your design, but the 'Layers Palette' is an unorganized mess! Here's the solution. Decide what layers are appropriate for a Set. For example you have five Layer elements that make up a logo, then link them together. Then click on the little black 'Arrow Menu' on the top/right of the 'Layers Palette', and from the Drop Down list choose 'New Set From Linked...'. Give the Set a Name (Logo for example). Finally, notice that the Blending Mode for that new layer set is 'Pass Through', change that to 'Normal'.

5. For more workspace area, or if your Document exceeds the workspace area because of all the Palettes blocking your view. Hit the Tab key to toggle all Palettes visibility mode.

6. Save yourself a click on the 'Zoom Tool' on the Toolbar Palette by using the 'Ctrl + Plus(+)/Minus(-) keys. Works well if your like me and you have all the Palettes toggled off (Tab Key).

7. Spacebar is your friend. Ever have a good zoom in a document or you design above the normal 800x600 resolution, and say your using the 'Polygonal Lasso' tool and you reach the end of your viewable area in your document, well, instead of reaching to adjust the scrollbars, press the 'Spacebar' key and the tool you are using automatically toggles to the 'Hand' Tool so you can adjust your documents position . Let go of the 'Spacebar' key and your back to the previously used tool.

8. You have more than one Document open and you need to see them side by side for comparison, go to 'Window/Documents/Tile.

9. If your personal about how your Workspace looks, then save it. Go to 'Window/Workspace/Save Workspace', then give it a name when prompted. Handy if there are multiple users sharing your computer, or if certain Workspace's work better for different design sizes. At anytime, Reset the Palettes or delete the current Workspace by going to 'Window/Workspace/Delete Workspace' or 'Windows/Workspace/Reset Palette Locations'.

10. Got a lot of documents open and need to see a quick Slide Show. Press the F key to toggle 'Full Screen Mode', then press the Ctrl + Tab keys to cycle through the open documents.

Ctrl + Tab will cycle Next through your documents in the order they appear in Photoshop.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab will cycle Previous through your documents in the order they appear in Photoshop.

11. Cycle through all your fonts. Have a text layer selected in your document, then go to the 'Font List' drop down and select the default one or the one you have originally chosen, then use the Up/Down Arrow keys to cycle through the list of fonts read by Photoshop.

Font's that have no alternative 'Bold/Italic' options, use the 'Faux Bold or Faux Italic' ooptions from the 'Window/Character' Panel.
When using a lot of text on a single layer, use the 'Ctrl +A' keyboard feature for easy selection.

12. Ctrl + Shift + N , creates a new empty layer. Ctrl + Shift + N + Alt, creates a new empty layer bypassing the Layer Properties Dialog Box.

Layer Manipulation: Once in the Layers Palette, and you choose to re-organize a layer, here's a couple of keyboard tricks to get use to.
Alt + [ cycles through stacked (multiple) layers in a downward motion. (including the Background Layer) Alt + ] cycles through stacked (multiple) layers in an upward motion. (including the Background Layer)
Ctrl + [ moves the selected layer downward (excluding the background layer)(works with Layer Sets) Ctrl + ] moves the selected layer upward (excluding the background layer)(works with Layer Sets)
Ctrl + Shift + [ moves the selected layer to the bottom of the stack (excluding the background layer)(works with Layer Sets) Ctrl + Shift + ] moves the selected layer to the top of the stack (excluding the background layer)(works with Layer Sets)
Delete multiple layers.
Save yourself production time when there's a need to remove multiple unused layers.
Here's how.
Link the unnecessary layers then press Ctrl + E key to Merge Linked Layers, then drag to the garbage bin icon on the Layers Palette. To avoid the Delete Dialogue Box, hold the Alt key as you drag a linked item to the garbage bin icon.
Delete Hidden layers.
Save yourself production time when there's a need to remove unwanted hidden layers.
Here's how. Go to 'Layer/Delete/Hidden Layer' option on the top menu bar.
Alternately, from the 'Layers Palette', select the context menu button option (the samll arrow) and from the list choose, 'Delete Hidden Layers'.

TIP: To avoid the 'Confirm Delete Dialog Box', hold the Alt Key, click the context menu button, scroll to the option 'Delete Hidden Layers' & select it. This will automatically delte the hidden layers.

WARNING: Only recommended if your document does not require the use of hidden layers for 'Slice or Rollover Effects'.

Cycle through Layer Blending Modes: Alt + Shift + (Plus sign) key to cycle downward in the Layer Blending Modes list. Alt + Shift - (Minus sign) key to cycle upward in the Layer Blending Modes list.
Applying styles across multiple layers.
First create an empty layer. With the new empty layer still selected, Link the layers you would like to Merge. Alt + Ctrl + E keys to 'Merge Linked' Layers and create a duplicate. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + E key combination will 'Merge Visible' Layers and create a duplicate. (Handy when you don't want to destroy the original layers.) Then go ahead an apply the style required on the Merged Linked duplicate layer.
Hide 'n Seek
Hold the Alt key when clicking on the Eye Symbol icon (Visibility Mode) in the Layers Palatte to Hide all other layer layers except the active layer.

13. Use Adjustment Layers: The benefit of using adjustments layers is that it provides unique adjustments to your composition without destroying the original pixels. Unlike the same 'Adjustments' from the 'Image' menu option, any affects done through those options is applied directly to your photo.

So ultimately, flexibility and non-destructive habits are well worth learning.