
How To Placing files in Photoshop

You can use the File > Place command to place artwork into a new layer in an image. In Photoshop, you can place PDF, Adobe Illustrator, and EPS files; in ImageReady, you can place files in any supported format, with the exception of Photoshop (PSD) files containing CMYK images.

When you place a PDF, Adobe Illustrator, or EPS file, it is rasterized; you cannot edit text or vector data in placed artwork. Keep in mind that artwork is rasterized at the resolution of the file into which it is placed.
To place a PDF, Adobe Illustrator, or EPS file (Photoshop):
  1. Open the Photoshop image into which you want to place the artwork.
  1. Choose File > Place, select the file you want to place, and click Place.
  1. If you are placing a PDF file that contains multiple pages, select the page you want to place in the provided dialog box, and click OK.
The placed artwork appears inside a bounding box at the center of the Photoshop image. The artwork maintains its original aspect ratio; however, if the artwork is larger than the Photoshop image, it is resized to fit.
  1. If desired, reposition the placed artwork by doing one or more of the following:
·         Position the pointer inside the bounding box of the placed artwork, and drag.
·         In the options bar, enter a value for X to specify the distance between the center point of the placed artwork and the left edge of the image. Enter a value for Y to specify the distance between the center point of the placed artwork and the top edge of the image.
·         To adjust the center point of the placed artwork, drag the center point to a new location, or click a handle on the center point icon Description: Center Point icon in the options bar.
                        If desired, scale the placed artwork by doing one or more of the following:
·         Drag one of the handles at the corners or sides of the bounding box. Hold down Shift as you drag a corner handle to constrain the proportions.
·         In the options bar, enter values for W and H to specify the width and height of the artwork. By default, these options represent scale as a percentage; however, you can enter another unit of measurement. To constrain the proportions of the artwork, click the Constrain Proportions icon Description: Constrain Proportions icon ; the option is on when the icon has a white background.
                        If desired, rotate the placed artwork by doing one or more of the following:
·         Position the pointer outside the bounding box of the placed artwork (the pointer turns into a curved arrow), and drag.
·         In the options bar, enter a value (in degrees) for the Rotation option Description: Rotation option .
The artwork rotates around the center point of the placed artwork. To adjust the center point, drag it to a new location, or click a handle on the Center Point icon Description: Center Point icon in the options bar.
                        If desired, skew the placed artwork by holding down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS), and dragging a side handle of the bounding box.
                        Set the Anti-alias option in the options bar as desired. To blend edge pixels during rasterization, select the Anti-alias option. To produce a hard-edged transition between edge pixels during rasterization, deselect the Anti-alias option.
                        To commit the placed artwork to a new layer, do one of the following:
·         Click the OK button Description: OK button in the options bar.
·         Press Enter or Return.
To cancel the placement, click the Cancel button Description: Cancel button in the options bar, or press Esc.
To place a file (ImageReady):
  1. Open the ImageReady image into which you want to place the file.
  1. Choose File > Place, select the file you want to place, and click Open.
  1. Select offset options:
·         From the Horizontal pop-up menu, choose an option for placing the file horizontally with respect to the image. In the Pixels text box, enter the number of pixels to offset the placed image horizontally.
·         From the Vertical pop-up menu, choose an option for placing the file vertically with respect to the image. In the Pixels text box, enter the number of pixels to offset the placed image vertically.
Note: To enter a negative number (and offset the placed file to the left or below the image), type a hyphen (-) before the number.
                        Click OK.
                        If you are placing a PDF file that contains multiple pages, select the page you want to place, and click OK.
                        If you are placing a PDF or EPS file, select Rasterize options, and click OK:
·         Enter Width and Height values for Image Size.
·         Select Anti-aliased to minimize the jagged appearance of the artwork's edges as it is rasterized.
Select Constrain Proportions to maintain the same height-to-width ratio.

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